The main objective of the farm management is that quality milk is produced from healthy animals using management practices that are sustainable from an animal welfare, social, economic and environmental perspective.



Main objective

Measures being taken to achieve the objectives

Enhance herd disease resistance / reduce stress

  • Choose breeds and animals well suited to the local environment and farming system
  • Vaccinate all animals as recommended or required by local animal health authorities

Prevent entry of disease onto the farm

  • Ensure feed and other transport on and off the farm does not introduce disease
  • Monitor risks from adjoining land and neighbors and have secure boundaries
  • Only use clean equipment from a known source

Have an effective herd health management program in place

  • Use an identification system that allows all animals to be identified individually from birth to death
  • Full in house qualified vet team
  • Standalone Care Unit
  • All treatments fully traceable
  • Only use chemicals approved for supply and use under relevant legislation
  • Store chemicals and veterinary medicines securely and dispose of them responsibly



Main objective

Measures being taken to achieve the objectives

Ensure milking routines do not injure the animals or introduce contaminants into milk

  • Identify individual animals that require special milking management
  • Ensure appropriate udder preparation for milking
  • Milk animals regularly using consistent milking techniques
  • Ensure only pure milk obtained
  • Ensure milking equipment is correctly installed and maintained
  • Ensure a sufficient supply of clean water

Ensure milking is carried out under hygienic conditions

  • Ensure housing environment is clean at all times
  • Ensure milking area is kept clean
  • Ensure the milkers follow basic hygiene rules
  • Ensure milking equipment is cleaned and, when necessary, disinfected after each milking

Ensure milk is handled properly after milking

  • Ensure milk is cooled or delivered to buyers within the specified time
  • Ensure milk storage area is clean and tidy
  • Ensure milk storage equipment is adequate to hold milk at the specified temperature
  • Ensure milk storage equipment is cleaned and when necessary
  • Ensure unobstructed access for bulk milk collection



Main objective

Measures being taken to achieve the objectives

Ensure animals are free from discomfort

  • The building is designed and constructed to be free of obstructions and hazards
  • High quality mats are used as a bedding for the cows in the barns
  • The animals are provided with the adequate ventilation and temperature control measures
  • Appropriate birthing and weaning practices are being followed



Main objective

Measures being taken to achieve the objectives

Secure feed and water supplies from sustainable sources and are of suitable quantity and quality

  • Plan ahead to ensure that the herd's feed and water requirements are met
  • Source farm inputs from suppliers implementing sustainable systems and comply to agreed quality parameters
  • Ensure the nutritional needs of animals are met
  • Ensure suitable quality water is provided and the supply is regularly checked and maintained
  • Only use approved chemicals for treatment of animal feeds or components of animal feeds and observe withholding periods

Control storage conditions of feed

  • Separate feeds intended for different groups
  • Ensure appropriate storage conditions to avoid feed spoilage or contamination
  • Reject moldy or sub-standard feed

Ensure the traceability of feedstuffs brought on to the farm

  • Keep records of all feed or feed ingredients received on the farm



Main objective

Measures being taken to achieve the objectives

Have an appropriate waste management system.

  • We have implemented practices to reduce, reuse or recycle farm waste as appropriate
  • Minimize the production of environmental pollutants from dairy farming
  • We ensure that our dairy farming practices comply with relevant regulations
  • The company also owns and operates 1 MW solar plant which provides clean energy to the farm
  • Recycle